A method approach to delivering an exceptional performance.

Do you know what needs to happen in a successful business presentation and how you make that happen?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Business Audience as Chorus

The character of the audience in a business presentation is found somewhere between a traditional citizen audience and a Greek chorus. Like a Greek chorus, the business audience is a group that is made up of individuals. Together they bring institutional knowledge to the presentation. They represent the culture and interests of all executives and employees. They serve as a foil to the presenter and senior managers in the audience are often eager to participate and be heard.

A skillful presenter can leverage the chorus attributes of their business audience to advantage: challenging them, wooing them, and letting them give voice to and become advocates for the message of the presentation: averting tragedy rather than courting it. 

From the National Theatre:  Modern Interpretations of the Greek Chorus.

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